Talent Development

Customized Training Solutions

Powerful Talent Development Strategies for Success

Facing challenges with team dynamics and collaboration?

Are you deeply concerned with the declining morale and decrease in team productivity? Are you under a lot of pressure and stress coming up with ways to rectify the situation?

I hear you. In fact, in my years of serving as a Talent Development Strategist, I’ve witnessed many top organizations fall apart because of these challenges. It’s a common puzzle: diverse personalities, communication breakdowns, and differing work styles can throw a wrench into the gears of smooth collaboration.

Focused on What CEOs & Entrepreneurs Really Need It’s Time To Bring In An Expert

Hitting roadblocks in team dynamics is nothing out of the ordinary. But imagine if there was a person you could hire to take care of it for you.

In my years of working with a variety of CEOs, they all have very different perspectives and opinions on what “value” talent strategists can or can’t bring to their business.

I have helped hundreds of CEOs and their leaders figure out what talent and development strategies they need in order to be successful in their industries. More often than not, what works for 1 industry usually isn’t fit for another.

But here’s the thing – the largest cost in (almost) every organization is people – and it is the cost we understand the least.


Choose the program that fits your organization’s goals for success!

The Leader As Coach Program

Now more than ever, leaders need to empower team members to navigate this increasingly complex and hybrid world. Harnessing the collective knowledge, wisdom, and experience of teams, is one of the key differentiators between those organizations that innovate and succeed and those that continue to struggle.


The Leader as Coach Program will enable team leaders to engage and inspire those they work with to achieve better results by having impactful coaching conversations in a variety of scenarios and settings to improve:


Goal setting and career advancement


More effective 1:1’s


More productive conversations ‘on the go’


Listening and resounding


Asking powerful questions


Giving performance feedback 



Understand why coaching works, the benefits of coaching and the essential attributes of an effective Leader as Coach


Practice coaching inside and outside of the learning environment and receive feedback from instructor and participants on your strengths and areas for development


Coach your team for increased self-sufficiency and improved engagement, collaboration and results


Understand your leadership style and be able to adopt a coaching style Know when to coach and when a different approach is required


Acquire a range of practical tools and approaches to help you coach your team (1:1 and as a group), your stakeholders and people more senior than you

Become the leader-coach your team deserves, and watch as your organization thrives with newfound synergy, innovation, and success.

New Leader Transition Program

Active engagement in a new leader transition process can significantly reduce the typical six-month “settling in” period. Leaders and teams who participate in this program quickly establish strong working relationships, regaining their pre-transition productivity levels in a shorter time frame. The program offers:

Enhanced mutual understanding between new leaders and existing teams.


A considerable reduction in the "start-up" phase, accelerating the learning curve about operational dynamics.


Effective strategies to avoid common pitfalls associated with new management, such as over or under-managing.


Insight into the new leader's management style, fostering optimal team collaboration.

Training Approach:

Our training approach is comprehensive, combining physical, virtual, and e-learning methods to equip professionals for future challenges. My philosophy is grounded in adult learning principles, emphasizing engaging, goal-oriented, relevant, and practical learning experiences. I collaborate closely with clients to tailor training that is not only relevant but also applied, forward-looking, and immersive. This ensures a customized learning solution that meets the unique needs of your learners.

Corporate Leadership Coaching Partnership


Our coaching program is ideal for organizations aiming to enhance their leaders’ impact, elevate their performance levels, and cultivate high-performing teams.

Coaching Approach

My coaching style is innovative, adaptable, and focused on tangible results. I am committed to accelerating the development and performance of your leaders and their teams, thereby boosting your business outcomes.

Corporate Coaching Process

Many organizations have established competencies, skills, and behaviors that define their leadership standards. I start by collaborating with the CEO, then with the leader being coached, as well as their key stakeholders, to jointly create the development program. This collaborative approach ensures we set clear goals and agree on the best methods to monitor the leader’s progress.

I offer a customized suite of tools and frameworks designed to enrich the experience for both the participants and their organizations. Tailored assessments are used to address each leader’s unique developmental needs. I provide accountability structures that aid leaders in implementing positive changes, enhancing their leadership skills, and paving the way for their future success.

Invest in your leaders, invest in your team, and witness the extraordinary results of a coaching program that doesn’t just enhance performance—it transforms it.

Some Client Love

I owe my success to Chantal as my life has completely changed for the better since working with her. Chantal’s coaching has made an impact in every single facet of my life and I still reflect on her guidance when faced with difficult decisions.

Katie Steadman, Development Officer, Mohawk College

As an advocate for our unique culture, Chantal helped to create and guide employee groups within the organization tasked with encouraging their colleagues to contribute beyond their technical duties to enhance our working lives to create a Top 10 Global “best culture” and a really great place to work!

Braden Kurczak, Director of Business Development, Enermodal Engineering

Meet Your Talent Strategist

Chantal McIntyre

Chantal McIntyre is a seasoned and award-winning Leadership Coach and Talent Management Consultant. She uses globally proven, progressive solutions to help CEOs and their leaders create talent strategies that INCREASE performance and REDUCE turnover.

In her previous career as the VP of the HR department at a technology company, she also helped coach leaders who needed support in relation to problems on their teams. Her mission is to help build a better human experience in the workplace by developing more conscious leaders who create high-performing teams and healthy work environments.

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